You want to invest but have limited funds. Why not consider warrants, which have a gearing effect?
Three basic keypoints:
  • A warrant is the right to buy or sell underlying assets, which may be indices, stocks, commodities, foreign currencies, etc., at a designated time and at a designated exercise price.

  • Warrants include call warrants and put warrants, which are the rights to buy (call warrants) or sell (put warrants) underlying assets.

    For investors, this means options for both the bullish and bearishoutlook. For example, if the investor is bullish on Tencent, he may invest in call warrants of Tencent; if the investor is bearish on HSBC, he may invest in put warrants of HSBC.

    Let’s look at the impact of the price movements of underlying assets on call warrants and put warrants:

    Price of underlying assets Call warrants Put warrants
    Theoretical price rises Theoretical price drops

    Bullish on t the market Call warrants

    Bearish onthe market Put warrants

  • Warrants are a type of leverage product. Investors can use a low warrant price (less money) to participate in the up and down of a stock with higher price (more money), in effect putting in a small investment for a bigger gain. However, this is a double-edged sword. If you correctly anticipate the movement direction and make the right decision, your potential profit will be amplified. However, if you make the wrong decision, your potential loss will also be amplified. 。

Consolidate your memory immediately!
Underlying price Call warrants
Theoretical price
Put warrants
Theoretical price
Rise Rise Drop
Drop Drop
There are many warrants in the market, and each product has a different price. Do you want to learn more?
Put warrants are bearish products. When the price of the underlying assets drops, the warrant price will rise in theory.
Put warrants are bearish products. When the price of the underlying assets drops, the warrant price will rise in theory.