59010 BI#PINANRP2407A

59010 PINAN Bear 
Price Real time
Last close 0.148
Simulated price CBBCs calculator
Last update:
Underlying PING AN (2318)
29.90 Chart
High/Low 30.30/29.70
^Change(%) -0.45(-1.48%)
*Underlying Ref price at previous 4pm Cont’ Trading Session 30.40
*Change vs previous 4pm Cont’ Trading Session(%) -0.5(-1.64%)
Turnover 1,652.55M
#Last update: 2024-04-16 16:35:00 (15 min delay)
^Change of price vs the last day’s closing price
*Index products' underlying is its spot month futures
(next month futures on the settlement date)
*The Underlying Ref price is determined by taking the median of 5 nominal prices in the last min of CTS, using the 5 snapshots at every 15 secs interval.
Index futures last update: 2024-04-16 16:35:00 (15 min delay)

Issuer's quotes

Issuer's bid/ask 0.154 / 0.157
Average quote spread
(market average)
Last quote (Time) N/A
This data is provided by Dbpower Online Limited
Last Update: 2024-04-16 15:55:00 (15 min delay)
Market average quote spread review
Market average
This data is provided by Dbpower Online Limited
Last update: 2024-04-16 15:55:00
Detail Chart

Technical terms

Bull/Bear Bear Delta 0.97
Call level 43.00 Distance from call lv(%) 13.10HKD /(43.81%)
Strike level 43.80 Intrinsic 0.139
Distance from call lv 0.800HKD /(1.83%) Funding cost(daily) 0.00004
Entitlement ratio 100 Funding cost(annual %) 11.11%
Maturity (YYYY-MM-DD) 2024-07-30 Remaining days 105days
Gearing (x) 1.95X Equivalent Margin ratio 48.8%
Premium(%) 4.68% Breakeven 28.50
(mil shares)/%
0.00/0.00% Outstanding change (mil shares)/% -
Last Trading day (YY-MM-DD) 2024-07-29 Listing date (YY-MM-DD) 2023-11-13
Board lot 5,000 Approximate underlying price change for 1 tick price change of CBBC 0.103HKD
Last updated: 2024-04-16 16:35:00


Chart type
Chart type

Technical analysis tools for underlying

59010 BI#PINANRP2407A

Last update: (15 mins delay)
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59010 BI#PINANRP2407A Real time

High/Low /
Last close 0.148
CS Focus
Simulated price CBBCs calculator
Last update:
PING AN (2318)
*Underlying Ref price at previous 4pm Cont’ Trading Session 30.40
*Change vs previous 4pm Cont’ Trading Session(%) -0.5(-1.64%)
#Last update: 2024-04-16 16:35:00 (15 min delay)
^Change of price vs the last day’s closing price
*Index products' underlying is its spot month futures
(next month futures on the settlement date)
*The Underlying Ref price is determined by taking the median of 5 nominal prices in the last min of CTS, using the 5 snapshots at every 15 secs interval.
Index futures last update: 2024-04-16 16:35:00 (15 min delay)
Issuer's quotes
Issuer's bid/ask 0.154 / 0.157
Average quote spread (market average) 2.1(1.82)
Last quote (Time) N/A
This data is provided by Dbpower Online Limited
Last Update: 2024-04-16 15:55:00 (15 min delay)
Technical terms
Bull/bear Bear
Call level 43.00
Call Risk Analysis
Distance from call lv(%) 13.10HKD /(43.81%)
Strike level 43.80
Distance from call lv 0.800HKD /(1.83%)
Entitlement ratio 100
Intrinsic 0.139
Funding cost(daily) 0.00004
Funding cost(annual %) 11.11%
Gearing (x) 1.95X
Equivalent Margin ratio 48.8%
Premium(%) 4.68%
Breakeven 28.50
Maturity (YY-MM-DD)
Remaining days
105 days
Last Trading day
Listing date
(mil shares)/%
(mil shares)/%
Delta 0.97
Approximate underlying price change for 1 tick price change of CBBC 0.103
Board lot 5,000
59010 Chart
Last update: (15 mins delay)
Turn horizontal to zoom in
Last update: 2024-04-16 16:35:00
Average quote spread (market average)
Average quote spread use the 5-mins average spread of issuer's quotes in trading hour to calculate. For example, if issuer's quotes were 0.150/0.153, we will count 3 ticks spread in this case as the minimum spread in this price range is 0.001. Then, we collect these samples at every 5 mins, The average of these numbers will be called as "Average quote spread". On the other hand, "market average" means the average quote spreads of all CBBCs/warrants ( excluding CS) of the underlying. Theoretically, a smaller average quote spread means investors could benefit from a smaller bid/ask spread in the trade.
Please also refer to the spread table as below:
Product price range Minimum bid/ask spread
0.01-0.250 0.001
> 0.250-0.50 0.005
>0.50-10 0.01
Market average quote spread review
5 Days
10 Days
Market average
Date Average
quote spread
This data is provided by Dbpower Online Limited
Last update: 2024-04-16 15:55:00